Virtual Reality (VR) or supplanting reality with a digitally created world, has moved from popularity in the tech and gaming industry to the mainstream. High quality hardware is now widely available to consumers, along with cheaper solutions that leverage smartphone displays. Major tech companies are now pushing VR and releasing their own versions of VR hardware and software. VR has also been trumpeted in the media as the next frontier of entertainment and has even been described with lofty labels such as “the empathy machine”, suggesting that it can transport users into other’s shoes to help promote cultural understanding and world peace. The technology is also finding its place in education as a powerful medium for teaching and learning. VR is being adopted and experimented with in many educational institutions, and has even been integrated into the curricula in some cases. This paper will explore the ways VR is being used in education, and offer suggestions for their effective use in classroom curricula.
For full text: (pp. 149-156)